5 Vintage Furniture Truths You Need to Know Before 2020 Ends
Is there any trend as timeless as vintage? When executed properly, decking out your home, restaurant, café or bar in an aged, historical style is a dreamy window into the past, as well as a visual expression of your love for all things antique.
We’re a massive fan of the vintage trend here at Where Saints Go, and so this week we thought we’d compile some must-know facts to get you the lowdown on this classic yet contemporary way of decorating your spaces. Vintage is here to stay, so let’s make it that way! Here are your 5 tips and tricks about this most characterful of décor styles.
1. Don't Be Afraid to DIY
Achieving that gorgeous new vintage décor look can sometimes involve getting the old paintbrush and toolkit out, going it alone and embracing your DIY inner-self in order to achieve amazing results. Here are some top tips to upcycle those pieces you’ve salvaged that need a little TLC in order to regain their former lustre:
- Chalk Paint - A wonderful invention that's dead easy to apply. Use it to turn pine furniture into photogenic glossy magazine material.
- Add Glitz - Consider giving old doors some new crystal or metal knobs to transform their image. Ths can make for a perfect blend of old and new.
- Centrepiece - Try stripping down an old sofa to its wooden frame, re-cover it with some wild new fabrics and hey presto! You've just performed a top-notch facelift and given your living room the ideal new centrepiece.
- Go Dark - Make your own objets d'art by giving junk shop iron hardware a dark, silky antiqued finish. Use beeswax and linseed oil, then heat in a domestic oven. Simple, eh? Try YouTube for some further step-by-step approaches if you're stuck.
Also consider mixing your own DIY approach to furniture with some brand-new pieces deliberately styled in a vintage way. This hybrid approach really adds variety to the home (and also saves you from spending every waking hour painting and refurbishing!)
If you’re in need of an example of new vintage style furniture done right, give some of ours a cheeky browse. Our leather and industrial chairs and stools are ideal for creating a mid-century theme in the home.
2. It's Really Green
Vintage often means upcycling, and that’s great for both your wallet and the environment. Finding that perfect antique sofa at your local jumble sale can often mean a bargain for you, and also the fact that you’re saving a gorgeous old relic from landfill. Choosing vintage is a figurative thumbs down to the throwaway culture, and a big fat yes to renewability, reusability and sustainability.
One person’s clutter is a vintage lover’s goldmine! That’s why a love of the antique sense of styling is a great, environmentally friendly alternative to sourcing your ideal trend setters. What’s more, furniture designed from a by-gone era is often extremely well-made and long-lasting.
Even if certain vintage items you’ve sourced are past their best, the naturally weathered, rustic look only adds to the character and charm! Many new types of furniture nowadays are deliberately distressed to give them an antique look, but genuinely vintage items are the real deal!
3. You Can Break the Rules
Unlike with some trends and décor designs, there really isn’t a right answer when it comes to perfecting the vintage look.
No-one is going to chastise you for decking out your living room or dining room with 1950s chairs, only for a 1960s designed stool to blow your cover and expose your lack of historical research! You’ll often find that with vintage, anything goes.
Fashion trends and styles tend to change gradually over time, and so a slight blending between the decades shouldn’t be too great a concern. Choosing vintage décor is a chance to express yourself – experiment, go with what you think looks good and don’t be afraid to try out new things
And if you do end up with a style that doesn’t quite look how you intended, you can always pass the items on to the next vintage lover seeking that missing piece to their own antique décor puzzle. Keep the upcycling theme going strong!
4. Vintage + Modern = Win
Another great thing about the vintage theme is that it can mesh wonderfully with ultra-modern décor. Old-meets-new is another trend that has very few rules, and can be a beautiful expression of taste and love for both the past and the present.
The first thing to consider when opting for this great styling trend is the colour scheme. Plying a room with both antique items and cutting-edge modern décor can mean a very busy looking space, and so going for neutral, undramatic wall and floor colours is advisable to avoid overkill. Let the décor do all the talking!
Additionally, mixing really worn and old antique pieces with smooth textures and surfaces provides a super contrast. Natural materials and fabrics such as leather sofas, fur throws and woollen blankets can make the whole place feel cosier
For some real impact, WSG suggests maximizing the age gap between ‘old’ and ‘new’. Think ultra-modern pieces in a beamed cottage (or vice-versa) and you get the idea!
5. Hunt High and Low
Whether you’re locating that perfect retro 1940s style rotary telephone in duck egg green, a 1960s typewriter in custard yellow or that gorgeous 1920s gramophone that has to be just so, be prepared to spend a large chunk of your time searching for the right stuff once bitten by the vintage trend bug.
The truth is, vintage furniture and décor isn’t as sourceable or readily available as brand spanking new tables and chairs that roll off production lines up and down the country. Is this an issue? Not one bit
In fact, hunting high and low for that must-have piece to finish off your mid-century living room look, or your seventies themed dining room can be half the fun!
We hope these little facts about the vintage décor trend has been useful for you this week, and who knows, maybe we’ve set you going on your own antique adventure!
If you’re clamouring for more, there are plenty of Instagram pages with more vintage interior tips and inspiration. Check out vintage_interiors for room theme ideas that range from the 1920s to the 1990s. Alternatively, vintage_interior_design offers some spectacular ideas for giving the home a proper designer antique makeover.
Thanks for stopping by our little time warp, and we’ll see you next week Saints!
Feel the Love!